Healing Cancer: A Homeopathic Approach Volume II A Guide to Prevention, Management, and Treatment of Cancer with Integrated Approach from Dr. Master’s 40 Years Experience

By : on : March 19, 2019 comments : (0)

The global medical fraternity has been exploring various alternative approaches to cancer, However, this exceptional book, “Healing Cancer: A Homoeopathic Approach” by Dr. Farokh J Master, does not endorse a focused methodology, but it paves the way to a holistic homeopath’s approach. For the last 40 years,[read more=”Read More” less=”Read Less”] the author has been utilizing this approach which is in line with the Master teachings, where he gives importance to constitution, miasms, susceptibility, and most important palliation.

It is a complete handbook, a ready reference providing authentic information on every aspect of malignant diseases.

It covers the cancer related topics beginning from cancer archetype, clinical information on diagnosis, prevention, conventional treatment, homoeopathic aspects, therapeutics, polycrest remedies, rare remedies, Indian remedies, wisdom from the repertory, naturopathic and dietary suggestions, Iscador therapy, and social aspects of cancer to the latest researches in the field of cancer.

Given the efforts put in by the author in writing this vast book, encompassing decades of clinical this is indeed a valuable addition to the homeopathic literature.

In addition to homeopaths, this book will indeed be useful for medical doctors of other modalities of who also wish to explore a holistic approach to cancer patients since this book is the outcome of author’s successful efforts in introducing and integrating homeopathy to the mainstream cancer treatment.



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